The Rev. Bill Foss


Bill was 32 years old when he came to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ through the testimony of a professional football player and intense reading of the Gospel of John. He experienced the reality of being called out of darkness and into God's marvelous light (1 Peter 2:9b). His relationship with God is shown by his fervent love of the Scriptures, which he dearly embraces and is quick to share with others. Truly, the joy of the Lord is his strength (Nehemiah 8:10b) and his testimony is, "Surely God is my help; the Lord is the one who sustains me" (Psalm 54:4).

The Rev. Doug Gillis


Doug has been in ordained ministry since 1976. He received his Bachelor’s Degree in Pastoral Ministry and Counseling in 2000 and was ordained as a priest in 2008. He and his wife Carla have served on the foreign mission field and at different churches in the United States. Doug has also been leading praise and worship since 1974. He knows the importance of keeping a fresh intimate relationship with God and expressing the leading and presence of the Holy Spirit in all facets of ministry.

The Rev. Malcolm Norse


Malcolm was ordained in 1989 as a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He was the pastor of a Four Square Church before receiving Holy Orders of Priesthood in 2008. In the year 2000, he received his Bachelor of Divinity. Throughout his ministry, Malcolm's vision has been to share Jesus Christ's message of peace and love. He wants all people to know who they are in Christ Jesus and to preach the whole gospel. His passion is helping homeless children who otherwise wouldn’t have a chance.

Rev. Lydia Walton


Lydia was Senior Pastor for 14 years at Mercy Fellowship before the merger with Jubilee Fellowship. She is the founder of Women of Joy Ministries, Women of Joy India, Women of Joy Bible Institute of India, and has preached in fifteen foreign countries. At Calvary International Bible Training Center she served as teacher and Dean of Students. Around the world Pastor Lydia has brought refreshing encouragement and Joy of the Lord wherever she has taught, evangelized, and converted others to be followers of Jesus Christ. The Joy of Knowing Jesus, which is the title of her book, has been Lydia's lifelong, unbroken passion.