We are a family of Christians from many different backgrounds, denominations, cultures, and religious experiences. We are committed to following God's direction for our church. We truly love God and love worshiping Him together. Our song service is primarily contemporary and Charismatic; Gifts of the Spirit are encouraged; sermons are Biblical, spiritual and fresh; and we refer to our weekly Communion service as "Liturgy with Life."

We are also evangelical. We invite others to know the Lord Jesus Christ, to have His presence in their lives, and to join us at Mercy Fellowship as God leads.

We invite you to come to join us in fellowship at any of our worship services or meetings. Our desire in each meeting is to come into God's mighty and incredible Presence. He has promised, "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." (Jeremiah 29:13). We pray that you will experience Him as you fellowship with us, along with a loving, family atmosphere.
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